Dockside Fisherpeople Protest Overlord's Isle!

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Dockside Fisherpeople Protest Overlord's Isle!

Post by Strawberry »

In the wake of a large number of explosions on and around the Overlord's Isle on Thursday night, Dockside fishers, crabbers, and fishmongers alike found their livelihoods upended when they found the explosions had killed a portion of the fish population and scared away untold others. Fast to point fingers and with nothing to do all day, trawlers and other fishing vessels soon constructed a shoddy blockade of the Overlord's Isle, bearing banners and signs blaming the current Overlord for the damage to their income source right before Thanksgiving. Matadero Meat Company ploy or mere coincidence? Who knows! But one thing is for certain, fish is likely to not be on the menu for the upcoming festivities!

((Tied to this. The Isle isn't actually blocked or anything, just some grumpy fishermen shaking their fists at all the big booms. Feel free to reference however!))
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