Search found 3 matches
- Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:27 pm
- Forum: Thoughts at Large
- Topic: American Idol?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 4548
I caught the ass-end of season one, the early-middle of season 2 and have been watching this season all thru, so far. Only season I enjoyed was last one. It was exciting. Its kinda disapointing how much more I enjoyed the whole 'Clay and Ruben' thing than I enjoy anything they've done post-AI, tho. ...
- Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:58 pm
- Forum: Thoughts at Large
- Topic: Fuhgetaboutit.
- Replies: 27
- Views: 10632
- Thu Apr 08, 2004 6:11 pm
- Forum: Thoughts at Large
- Topic: Try a poll
- Replies: 30
- Views: 10957
It tastes good, I love drinking it, and I will continue to do so until I am too weak to bring a Pepsi bottle to my lips. Hell yes. :) If it wasn't for a nice, icey-cold diet pepsi every morning at 9 A.M., I would've crashed and died down the Turnpike a looooooong time ago. Or failed last semester. ...