Search found 20 matches
- Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:03 am
- Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
- Topic: One who stalks the night.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1597
The months since I took my, hiatus, shall we say, from this realm has proven to be most beneficial. I have awoken to find a city ripe for the hunting as kin have flooded the streets in only the last year to thin the blood of the more, mortal, inhabitants. Perhaps in this newer day I can find somethi...
- Tue May 22, 2007 11:31 pm
- Forum: Atrebla
- Topic: One who stalks the night.
- Replies: 0
- Views: 2024
One who stalks the night.
Ghost steps carried the hunter through the far valley. Claws trail idly along every tree he passed to leave a path of scratches. This night a peaceful one for his mind with moon riding high, and a cloudless sky above. This is one of HER homes. The life around brought unbidden memories. Unwanted memo...
- Tue May 22, 2007 11:28 pm
- Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
- Topic: One who stalks the night.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1597
Atrebla Ghost steps carried the hunter through the far valley. Claws trail idly along every tree he passed to leave a path of scratches. This night a peaceful one for his mind with moon riding high, and a cloudless sky above. This is one of HER homes. The life around brought unbidden memories. Unwa...
- Thu May 17, 2007 9:49 pm
- Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
- Topic: One who stalks the night.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1597
One who stalks the night.
"Wait, please don't! She offered herself willin and stuff, I didn't... -" The Daimon burst apart in a flash of golden dust as Aerol's silver claw pierced the tattoo centered in it's chest. The place where it kept the souls of humans too stupid to know between a vampire and a Daimon. But th...
- Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:53 pm
- Forum: Palazzo Drachen Walde
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 98885
- Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:51 pm
- Forum: Palazzo Drachen Walde
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 98885
The pain from the stranger’s weapon forced him to let go of the man completely. Tom fell to the ground as the grip holding him vanished. Rewarded with a landing on cobble stones instead of on the new human, the large feline quickly recovered and turned for a second attack. Rushing over to attend to ...
- Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:50 pm
- Forum: Palazzo Drachen Walde
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 98885
In a final defiant act Marcus reached out to slap the abomination before him “ Come then, filth! Or do you fear the retribution of your lord? ” Still battling Tom for control of the grenade the vampire doubled its grip and gave the human’s wrist a good shake. “ Can't have dinner exploding. ” .With h...
- Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:48 pm
- Forum: Palazzo Drachen Walde
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 98885
“ Some fine hunters you are .” The leech’s snicker seemed to come for two directions at once as he moved in on Tom with preternatural speed; a hand clamped down on his wrist. “ Get up at least…” The vampire’s counterpart sneered before delivering a kick to his intended dinner with a boot tip. Since ...
- Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:48 pm
- Forum: Palazzo Drachen Walde
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 98885
Tom Sekwasi noticed them first. A pair of shapes that seemed to have been following Father Marcus and him for the last few minutes, and just a bit too close for comfort. He had the unshakable suspicion that the shapes where those they sought to hunt. He turned to Marcus and spoke in a quiet whisper,...
- Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:14 pm
- Forum: Atrebla
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 88776
“ No…” The priest shakes his head. “ We have uses for a live specimen. We will need some assistance getting the body out of here though. ” Tilting his head at the still-wobbly Tom, the priest let the wounded man lean against him for support. With a sigh the hunter struck the Daimon again just to mak...
- Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:00 pm
- Forum: Atrebla
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 88776
- Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:42 pm
- Forum: Atrebla
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 88776
The pain from the stranger’s weapon forced him to let go of the man completely. Tom fell to the ground as the grip holding him vanished. Rewarded with a landing on cobble stones instead of on the new human, the large feline quickly recovered and turned for a second attack. Rushing over to attend to ...
- Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:06 pm
- Forum: Atrebla
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 88776
Unconcerned about if the priest was standing or not the more sadistic of the vampires punched the holy man; making him crumple under the assault. However Father Marcus still refused to cry out or beg, knowing it would do no good anyway. “ Didn't your mothers ever tell you not to play with your food ...
- Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:12 pm
- Forum: Atrebla
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 88776
In a final defiant act Marcus reached out to slap the abomination before him “ Come then, filth! Or do you fear the retribution of your lord? ” Still battling Tom for control of the grenade the vampire doubled its grip and gave the human’s wrist a good shake. “ Can't have dinner exploding. ” .With h...
- Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:58 pm
- Forum: Atrebla
- Topic: Discoveries
- Replies: 351
- Views: 88776
“So me fine hunters you are .” The leech’s snicker seemed to come for two directions at once as he moved in on Tom with preternatural speed; a hand clamped down on his wrist. “ Get up at least…” The vampire’s counterpart sneered before delivering a kick to his intended dinner with a boot tip. Since ...