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by Byzannce
Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:39 am
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

Kalinda and I had kept mostly to ourselves, and the quiet of the house apart from my 'brother' had made learning how to be myself again much easier. He had been right, it would come again, but my impatience had made some of the lessons hard ones. As I stood in the garden watching the small group of ...
by Byzannce
Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:12 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

I walked toward a table near the rings as Kalinda exited a ring. She was stunning in a sapphire blue tabard, plated silver belt, and her smile was warm as she spotted me. “Byzannce! How lovely to see you tonight!” Collecting my wine, I hugged her, “I will say the same to you Kali.” We kissed before ...
by Byzannce
Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:29 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

At a wise crack from Vincent, she loosed a panther to stalk the room. My fingers brushed the silken fur appreciatively. Our focus shifted to Vincent as he sought to impress the females of the room, I looked at Kalinda, “Our entertainment for the evening?” She scarcely gave him a glance, “who? Him? O...
by Byzannce
Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:27 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

As I pushed open the doors to the Outback, I found Kalinda inside. For a human, she is rather lovely to look at and she greeted me with a cheery “Hello! Your brother still driving you like a slave?” I headed for the bar to retrieve a glass of white wine, “absolutely.” She smiled, asking me if a rela...
by Byzannce
Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:05 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

Pslyder has been a relentless taskmaster, pushing harder each day in an effort to make me stronger, and I suspect to make me angry enough to change. I walked into the Annex to hear him teasing a young woman. “Or don’t I fall into the ‘safe’ category yet?” I lifted a brow and headed for the bar, “if ...
by Byzannce
Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:53 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

Pslyder has turned into a tyranical task master! The further his form changes, the harder he works me. I took the evening to go to the Arena. I needed some time away from home and maybe I could try my hand at a duel once again. I sat down at the bar, leaning the staff against it as I drank my ale. S...
by Byzannce
Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:07 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

Head and Heart

I’d gone to the bluffs, stood upon the craggy rocks overlooking RhyDin. I’d tried to garner the courage to leap from them in an effort to force the change, but while the azure lines coil about my wrists, and run down my back and legs, there are no other tell tale signs of what I truly am. If I leape...
by Byzannce
Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:15 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

Whatever had set my brother off earlier was gone, but returning to his home didn't seem alluring either. With determination, and nothing more, I set off for the bluffs. From there, I could work on shifting. Maybe it will take something dramatic for me to change, as it had for him once his body was a...
by Byzannce
Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:05 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

Home alone

Shard and Pslyder had been kind, but as the days wore on, I still felt like an outsider and a burden on them. Oh, they never said anything, and I know that my growth is on plan based on Psly's memories, but tonight my patience had worn thread bare, and I was glad to have the house to myself. I'd bee...
by Byzannce
Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:00 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

Long Painful Roads

Lord Momus’ words had hurt, they’d cut down to the bone, and beyond. Pslyder and Shard have invited me to live in their home rather than at the Center, yet I do not fit in there either. Three is a crowd in the best of times, and this certainly is not the best of times. Progress comes though not fast...
by Byzannce
Sat Nov 26, 2005 5:14 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

First Outting

Hours, days, weeks. The routine had become blurred into sameness. I could walk, if I thought hard enough about it. I could do the rudimentary things I needed to do for some semblance of autonomy. It was not enough. Not by any stretch of imagination. Frustration had eaten at me all day, and I had bee...
by Byzannce
Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:26 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

He'd left a while ago. His smile as he left said he knew way too much about everything that was happening. I hated this complete lack of control. The basic needs of life were not something I could do myself. Silence settled over my room. Technicians and thereapists came and went. I was exhausted, an...
by Byzannce
Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:23 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

Real Food

I nibbled, well, TRIED to nibble the lamb, but real food for the first time in weeks was too hard to resist. "You do not look bad in bllue. Wwhy do you prefer tthe form you take wwith sso much effort to maintain?" His reference to raptors feeding their young in the same fashion brought a g...
by Byzannce
Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:54 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594

The lamb smelled wonderful! It was held before my lips, just tempting me, and I shot a look at the elf before gingerly taking it from the fork. "Sso tth sstaff iss ssworn to ssilence, but wwhat about you?" The first taste, and I realized just how ravenous I really was, but the indignity of...
by Byzannce
Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:30 pm
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: From the Ashes. . .
Replies: 151
Views: 52594


I groaned inwardly. "Howw my food iss going to come to me? It lookss like it comess on a table withh wheelss." He told me that things would be changing for quite some time, and in some ways that's a relief, but it means things will be slow, and I am simply too humiliated to tell him I can'...

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