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by MadMadMax
Fri May 22, 2015 9:05 am
Forum: The Streets of Rhy'Din (shared)
Topic: H'llo frum Ma'Ma'Max
Replies: 5
Views: 1899

H'llo frum Ma'Ma'Max

H'llo. M' naym iz Ma'Ma'Max, bu' yu kin kawl me Max, cuz evvybuddy duz. I wuz th' freekin' fouhteenth Ovvuhlo'd uv th' Dool uv S'ordz. Yup, I wuz a' Ovvuhlo'd and I wuz a very culluhful wun if I du say so m'se'f, whych uv corse I jus' di' say so m'se'f. I din' kno' thys bo'uhd wuz heah, er I wudduh ...

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