Viewing profile - Elena Elensarii

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Elena Elensarii
Elena Elensarii
Character Race:
3/4 elven, 1/4 human
At her shop or the shelter
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Owner, Sweet Breeze Perfumes, Head of Sparrow Women's Coalition
Elena stands at 5'8", not exceptionally tall for someone almost fully elven. Her hair is a sunny blonde, falling in lazy curls past her shoulders. Her eyes are a steel blue with a hint of grey.

Born into a noble family, Elena had been groomed since birth to be an elegant woman of wealth. She grew up knowing her purpose in life was to marry the wealthiest suitor to benefit both his and her own family. Blessed (or cursed, depending on who you ask) with an adventurous personality, Elena never really thought about it.

That is, of course, until she was married off, and she quickly came to realize it wasn't a joke, and it wasn't anything that would end just because she didn't want it. He was something of a brute, hidden behind an attractive and seemingly good-natured facade. If he was not hitting her, he ignored her, unless he wanted something from her. She told her parents, but they said her place was at his side. And so she stayed, until the night of his death, a few years after their marriage.

Freed from him, and seemingly innocent of any link to the accident (though there were/are doubts), Elena inherited a large sum of money. She at once sold the property, and with the proceeds started and funds the nonprofit women's shelter, Sparrow Women's Coalition.

Her home is now a large but manageable country estate outside of the city limits. When not in town at her perfume shop, Sweet Breeze Perfume, or at the Coalition, she is in her rather impressive garden, with her hands in the soil.

Elena can be quiet and reserved, but almost always has a smile on her face, and a kind word. Even-tempered and fair, she is certainly a lover of life. Within her is an edge of steel that comes out if she or someone she cares for is treated badly.
Making perfume, gardening, helping those in need

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Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:43 pm
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Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:43 pm
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