Viewing profile - Drake Bloodlust

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Drake Bloodlust
Drake Bloodlust
Character Race:
Demi God.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
A world called Aldigan, currently residing in Arlington, Texas.
Country boy.
Standing six foot two inches tall, wearing a simple pair of jeans and a tee shirt. He sometimes wear a faded baseball cap. He also has a southern boy drawl.

Blue eyes, and dark brownish blonde hair, and a mustache and goatee usually seen with a lazy smile on his lips. Sometimes he has a serious look going, all depending on his day.

In times of need he will be seen fighting the good fight. Wearing a blue shirt under silver armor, red under the arm guards and black pants under black boots that come up to just below his knees. With a red cape hanging down from his shoulders.

The armor along his arms is like snake skin, but silver as well. With him wielding a large hammer in his right hand. The rest of his look remains the same. With him sometimes wearing a helmet with wings flaring up along it on the sides.
His skills range from the normal skills one gains while growing up on a farm. Very good with his hands from building, to working on his truck.

He also knows his way around guns, as he does hunt from time to time. As well as hunting with a bow and arrows. He's also been known to get in his fair share of bar room brawls.

Recently he has leaned the truth about who he is and where he comes from.

He has full control over the power of lightening, has super human strength, faster than mortal speed when needed. His eyes glow white when he is summoning the powers of the lightening within him and around him. Channeling it outward through the hammer he carries.

The hammer it's self has it's own powers that allow him to do many other things. Only Drake and others from his homeworld are allowed to wield it, and only with his blessing.


The character of Thor does not belong to me, but to Marvel Comics. I am only portraying him here for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended.

I am merely portraying the character here, but with my own twist to the character. This version has nothing to do with the Thor created by Marvel Comics Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. He will not answer to that name EVER. I changed things about him for a reason, so not to have people confusing him or mistaking him for the actual character. This is just made for entertainment only.

OOC note. There is only one player that is free to use the newer information on this profile. That player is Rick Jones. If anyone else wishes to use this information, from this profile and his's. Ask permission first.

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:39 pm
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