Viewing profile - Leyna Avron

Leyna Avron
Leyna Avron
Character Race:
Some form of elf or another.
Anywhere she feels like.
Leyna's slender frame measures 5'7", her body willowy and toned.. something that doesn't necessarily fit most of the clumsy movements she is prone to. Silver hair is long and tumbles to the small of her back in gentle waves with jagged bangs sweeping in front of a curious young face. Her eyes are sapphire marbles, shot through with striations of silver. A pair of frameless glasses sometimes rests on her nose before them. Her tapered ears house several silver hoops and dangling bells that ring merrily with each tilt of her head. Of the variety of outfits she dons, there are two constants - beat up black converse sneakers with fraying laces, and a canvas messenger bag decorated in intricate beadwork.
She likes to think she has the ability to draw and there's a spiral sketchbook somewhere within her bag. It's a release for those rampant images that frequently plague her mind. On the flip side, she possesses the innate ability of telekinesis and a few other secret powers that she too has yet to discover. She also has a penchant for a good mug of ale and, while it's not a formidable skill, can hold her liquor like a dam.

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:20 pm
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Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:20 pm
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