Viewing profile - Dyhren Rhys

Dyhren Rhys
Dyhren Rhys
Character Race:
Elf or can you not tell by the pointy ears?
Here, there, anywhere i wish to be or need to be
I prefer to be seen as a procurement artist, but those with lesser minds see me as a thief. How sad.
Height: 5'

Weight: 110 krep or about 80lbs

Build: Small, lithe, but muscular.

Hair: Ash blonde with strawberry accents. Long but kept in impossibly small braids that served to prevent his fine hair from snarling at the slightest movement.

Eyes: Ice Grey, barely any color there at all.

Skin tone: very light brownish, similar to lightly tanned leather.

Attire: Mostly he wears light grey tunics with black trousers, but when on the job a dark over shirt and hood with leather armor underneith. Boots are always of supple leather that allowed for stealth and balance.

Age: Very hard to determine. His face, body or any other features show a youthful visage. It would take blood and bone tests to bring about a proper answer.

Markings: A highly detailed red tattoo on the right side of his face that runs along the back side of his jaw line, up to his cheek bone, and along side of his face that looks similar to a celtic knot of vines and thorns.

Silent, small build, high dexterity. All good things to have for a thief in the city of Norwahl. He was at the top of his trade and folks close to him knew it, as much as they were. Rumors about him gave him the fame, and sometimes fear, but that would depend on the ears they fell upon. Dyhren did his job well up until he was "asked" to accompany warriors of such on a quest. Fools quest as he saw it and figured that a few nobles bought out his friends to "suggest" him for said quest.

Never the less he continued with the men up until they were surrounded by ogres the lower levels of an ancient fort, though he never heard the name. The beasts gave Dyhren a good clue, Fort Gahrot, lost to the savages long ago.

Was this to be a death sentance for him? This he wondered as he fended of another blow from the giant beasts. Ok they weren't giants to the humans but at his height they may as well have been such. The thoughts that played in his head soon grew as stone golems charged in from behind.

As the fists of one bore down on him Dyhren brought his swords up to defend himself. He closed his eyes and proceeded to make his peace with whatever gods would hear him. What happend next would change his outlook on said gods forever.
Thief and hired merc if the price is right. He has no special magical powers other than what his days as a thef have given him. Sharp wits, a keen eye, quick fingers.

In addition to this he has a keen sense of balance, helpful in whatever thievery tasks he is involved in. As for anything else that might happen? Only time will tell.

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Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:57 pm
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