Viewing profile - Jono Slava

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Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Jono Slava
Jonothan Slava
Character Race:
Human (Undead, Experiment)
Tower of Water
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Knight of Myr'Khul
Jono is a hulk of a man, standing several inches over six feet, and having the frame of soldier who got his start working on an oppressive Russian farm. However, the more striking features of Jono Slava are far more frightening. His skin was a pale grey color, and was stretched tightly as though it could peel off and break. His eyes were a sickly pale green, and his gaze looked uncognizant, but horribly aware at the same time. Where his left arm should have been, there was a pussing, oozing green tentacle that seemed to flick about with a life of its own.

If one assumed that Jonothan Slava no longer belonged in the land of the natural, and the living, they would certainly be correct.

Sometimes, Jono can be found wearing an ornate red & white mask, whose features seem to change via illusion magics.
Soldier & Ritualist & Mesmer:

Jono was also Possessed with many murdered souls(though he could hardly control that). The acquisition of the Key of Water has also allowed Jono to transform his monsterous tentacle into an "arm" that is created from solid harnessing of pure water magic. However, Jono's psychological instability causes this to be far less than a perfected and controlled transformation.

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Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:46 pm
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Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:18 pm
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Genocide and War in the Old Temple District
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Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.