Viewing profile - Lela Ta Aroa

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Lela Ta Aroa
Lela Ta Aroa
Character Race:
Quite noticeably Female
By land or by sea...
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Singer, Jewelry Maker, Weaver, Unofficial Lifeguard, Electrical Powerhouse
In water, Lela can be but a streak in the corner of your vision; a blur of fins and scales as she slips through the watery ether.

Out of water, she's a lovely creature like any other to walk Rhydin's eclectic face. Legs that seem endless even compared to an eternity, supple features, a sweet heart's face with kissable lips. Yet there are quirks here that set this maiden apart from most others.

Her skin always seems unnaturally glossed; beckoning and touchable like a shiny stone fresh from the sea's belly. Hair, while not clotted and wet, will seem a singular body that ripples and sways all it's own from time to time as if caught in a tide's ebb and flow.

Eyes fathomless as any icy ocean pit themselves in her face, drawing the curious package to a neat little whole.

Lela is comely, warm, a touch bubbly, and very approachable. Her voice might remind you of a summer's fog steamed rain or some fond memory from your childhood of water lapping at your naked toes.
Her vocals are built for the myriad of aquatic languages, from her own native mermish to amphibian, porpoise, and nearly all manner of fish from topside dwellers to sub darkness. Shark is her worst though, admittedly, for their calls are harsh and bitey. Lela caters to many vain but useful skills from hair braiding, to song singing, and even jewelry crafting.

But beware the gentle allure of a fish, they can hold a deadly sting for those baring too tight a grip.

While in her aquatic form Lela bares a pair of elaborate, seemingly decorative fins at either side of her hips. Each fin has a long, fine, flexible spine running through them. At their tips, these spines are capable of not only piercing flesh and lashing out in violent whips, but also the delivery of electrical currents.

These currents, their voltage, and the frequency range to levels as low as the pleasant tickle of 1 milliampere, to well over the deadly levels of 40 milliamperes plus. The flexible spine is the main source of delivery for these jolts, but the decorative, veil thin fins are also capable of lesser disturbances due to their connectivity.

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Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:58 pm
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Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:58 pm
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