Viewing profile - Chythraul The Vile

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Chythraul The Vile
Chythraul Cubuklu
Character Race:
Mt. Llosgfynydd (Located in Twilight Island) / Anywhere in Rhy'Din and beyond.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
In human form he is of an extremely pallid complexion, with a mouthful of pointed teeth and eyes of blood red. Bald. Standing at nearly seven feet tall. Usually in a studded leather outfit with plates of tempered dragon skin armor over the vital areas which is covered by a hooded cloak; the hood of the cloak is drawn so far forward that it renders any sight of his face an impossibility.

In dragon form, he is a twenty-foot long wingless dragon of black with a red underbelly. (Although, without wings, he is still capable of flight through magic.)
He, along with his equally malicious companion Pearl, is what makes up The Balance. Malevolent, evil and villainous; he is the epitome of both Black and Red Dragons (of which he is the offspring of). An unfortunately successful mix of diabolical brains and the brutish brawn of a leviathan.

Infamous for his cruel deeds and outlandish demands of the towns and cities he has oppressed, he continues his quest for immortality with insatiable vigor and the ability to achieve such a goal at any cost (whether it be moral, monetary or of any other means).

In human form: He uses a despicable combination of scathing intelligence, magic and swordsmanship to overcome his obstacles.

In dragon form: Overwhelming size, magic and his ability to control fire of any form.

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:03 pm
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Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:00 pm
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