Viewing profile - Drake Jones

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Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Drake Jones
Drake Jones
Character Race:
Alorian vampire
Jones Manor in Nosgoth
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Guardian of the Pilliar of Death
Mostly dressed in black, with long black hair. Eyes go between deep blue, to a bright golden color. Depending on his mood. Twin swords hang from his hips. One on each hip, which are hidden by the cloak he wears.

He now carries a scythe, which is usually used as a walking stick. Or sheathed along his back. Other times it is summoned to him.

He now walks a touch taller now, with a faint trace of a regal grace to his steps. Which to some might be an imposing figure.

Seeing how the young man stands at a towering six foot five inches tall. Yet he does not use his size to bully others.
A rogue as it is a more fitting title as the youth has learn the arts of teasing, but behind the rogueish nature lies the mind of a wise man.

He has gained this knowledge by way of his travels. Other skills invovle the ways of sword, magic, as well as being able to read minds. A skill he doesn't use, as he doesn't see it as a talent to force upon others.

Another talent one might catch him doing is playing various instruments in public. It is not an everyday sight, but one that he is not ashamed of. Merely part of who he is.
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