Viewing profile - Savria

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Savria Cine
Character Race:
Where she needs to be
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Jedi, Seer, Mystic
Blind from birth, Savria had been an orphan under the care of the Jedi temple. Her force abilities more than compensate for her lack of sight. Because she relies on the Force Ability, she does not know colors.

Savria keeps her brown hair short cropped. Noticable was the absence of her eyes when not wearing some sort of covering. Her body lean and well toned from extensive regular exercise. She stands off to the side keeping her own counsel. There is only one that is able to get inside her defenses.

The council was known for sending her places where a diplomat or a healer was needed. However, only the foolish assume her blindness to be her weakness.
Force Powers: Force Listening, Force Seeing (To compensate for Blindness - See WWW for more details), Force Sense, Precognition, Shatterpoint, Psychometry, Force Empathy, Force Vision, Telepathy and Comprehend Speech.

Savria is a master of Lightsaber combat Form VI: Niman.

Since the Abron system's red dwarf star emitted energy mostly in the infrared spectrum, the Miraluka gradually lost their ability to sense and process visible light waves. During that period of mutation, the Miraluka's long dormant ability to "see" the Force grew stronger, until they relied on this force sight without conscious effort.

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:37 pm
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Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:02 pm
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"When one relies on sight to perceive the world, it is like trying to stare at the galaxy through a crack in the door." -Kreia[src]