Viewing profile - Decimus Magnus

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Decimus Magnus
Decimus Leonius Magnus
Character Race:
Hardened male
...drinking...or else fighting
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
The Roman province of Macedonia
Some men are born for greatness.

Some men are made great by circumstance.

This man is neither.

Or so he tells himself.

He had been a soldier, of course, one of many employed by the Roman army in their many wars of conquest.

Not only a soldier, but a warrior of skill an honor, he not only survived, but advanced as his superiors noted his skill on the field of battle. When he began to lead men into battle and started bringing victory to the Empire of Rome, others, still higher in status, took note.

As such, for not only being a loyal Roman soldier, but for fighting well, for surviving and for his victories, he was richly rewarded, and so traveled through the Empire.

Upon witnessing his first gladiatorial games he was enraptured. The blood and the glory and honor (or so he thought) he saw in the gladiatorial ring enthralled him, and though he did not yet know it, called to him.

He would say that losing so much money in a bet was an accident of fate, one that placed him where he felt he was fated to belong.

What he will admit to no one is that it was with intent...for he wished to be one of those cheered, one of the slayers of the ring.

He wished to be immortalized by the crowds screaming his name.

He wished to be admired.

And so he was. Countless victories in the ring, countless men slain, so many the blood would have formed a river.

Immortality would claim him, oh, yes. No one could kill him, and soon it was whispered that he could not die, for the fight seemed to keep him young.

It is said he walked away, finally, from the fight, to vanish into the mists and mires of time.

But the fight never leaves a man like Decimus.

And nor will Decimus leave the fight.

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Mors renidet ad nos omnes. Ridere potest homo tantum est reversus.