Viewing profile - Janan

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Janan Amber Urameshi
Character Race:
Angelic mostly- 1/4th homo superior- 1/4 elf.
Where she can go.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Dark brown eyes sparkle in the light. A bright smile is almost always joined by a gleeful laugh, betraying the young woman's attitude and actions to be almost constantly in a good light. (Thanx Vapor-mun) Her ears are pointed at the tips slightly as well. She has the glittery golden eyes of her mother, brought to life with the mirth that comes from being her father's child. She's not overly spoiled, but more or less gets away with more than she should.
Janan picked up more traits from her father than from her mother. Thanks to his genetics she is able to heal faster than any normal human being can. There are a few things that don't heal fast when they happen to her like broken bones or deep gashes and cuts. Scrapes and bruises heal the fastest of all injuries.

She is adept light wielding, a gift from her mother, though she hardly uses it. The fact that it's there is another thing, it has a will of its own at times and can be very hard for her to control.

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Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:00 am
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Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:00 am
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