Viewing profile - Rebecca

Character Race:
Human with a dash of non-human
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Rogue Pirate
Rebecca is a fierce woman who is not afraid in the least to speak her mind. She isn't exactly friendly to people she don't know so don't whine about it. It is just who she is. Standing roughly at 5'7" she is a bit of a beautiful and sensual package wrapped tightly in leathers and suede. Hair of flaming red-orange is normally pinned up or left to it's own device, spilling down past her slender shoulders in thick waves. Her eyes are a steel blue, soulful - a gaze in which someone could lose their soul if they looked too deep. Or if she decides to render an opponent of their life if they are not careful. She has a certain commanding gait that cannot be denied of her sea-faring ways. Like a rolling sway which comes from living on a ship her entire life.

Always seen on her, no matter what she be wearing, is a cutlass that had once been gifted to her by someone very dear to her. Trained in the way of swords, she leans towards the cutlass, being it was the first weapon she ever knew but do not think she remains to this weapon alone. She will draw up a longsword or any other blade if means to render her enemy lifeless..

Origins are a good question having spent her younger years as a street rat until one day she was taken under wing by a man who's name she speaks of fondly. She boarded his ship, the Crimson Falcon, as his first mate. As she grew older the two became close friends. Much like siblings they were constantly squabbling and at each others throat but anyone who was anyone knew of the pact the two held. Akin friendship and trust but never lovers.

He was one of three men that she respected and it was because of him she had the Crimson Falcon to call her own. It was not a grand warship or the likes but she was proud of the ship. On that ship she started a family. A husband. A child.

And it was all taken away.

Husband and child killed. Ship swallowed by the sea. She finds herself stranded on land that is Rhy'Din - Broke, jobless, and what's worse..shipless.

Strange though after all that is lost she still cannot seem to be rid of the crimson pseudodragon that follows her everywhere. Another gift by the man who helped mold her to who she was to this day.
Uncanny Dodge (rarely is ever surprised and assists with detecting traps), Crippling Strike* (A blow to a major body part), Improved Evasion, Slippery Mind (hard to mind control) Open Locks/Detect Traps, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows (non-magic), Heightened senses, Death Attack*, Tactician, Toughness, Weapon Specialization: Hand-to-hand and Cutlass. ((* - Skills that I will ask permission of player before using against their character.))

************Magics (Limited)************
Alter Self. Misdirection. Non-Detection. Detect Poison. Spider Climb. Dimension Door. Freedom Movement. Poisons. Ghost Sound. Obscuring Mist. Darkness. Pass Without Trace. Undetectable Alignment.

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