Viewing profile - Zabdiel Diabolos

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Zabdiel Diabolos
Zabdiel Diabolos
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...if you really want to find him
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The creation of offspring is the hope of many.

Even demons.

One such demon came to a virgin woman one night, as she lay sleeping. Her dreams full of dark desire, fantasies that she dared not voice aloud.

The demon entered her dreamsas he lay with her, and as they coupled, her body responded readily.

All the time thinking she was wrapped in a pleasurable dream. Never did she suspect what had actually happened.

The demon was gone by the time the sun had risen, his conception complete.

Her pregnancy progressed rapidly, much too rapidly, her body wasting away to nothing as the powerful child within grew to completion, until he was born a few short months later. Before she died, she gave the child it's name.

Her eyes so dazzled by the child's beauty - for he was beautiful, even for a child - that she named him Zabdiel, 'the Gift of God.'

He was sent to an orphanage, where he was kept from sight of the outside world by the nuns who ran it. They knew what he was, but fortunately for Zabdiel they were of a mind to prove that nurture rules out over nature.

They almost succeeded. Brought up as a warrior for God, they were very nearly successful until his father came for him, as he neared adulthood.

Taken from them in the dark of night, his father would take him to the depth of the abyss, and begin teaching him the rest of his heritage.

Dark powers.

Vicious methods of battle.

Terrible things.

But the young man remembered something of himself, the nuns that had raised him not only with love and caring, but with virtuous purpose.

Dark though he would become, it would drive him to kill his father. But in his last act, his father had sown a seed of doubt into ths son, praising him for this act.

He fled, and emerged not in the world he knew, but now another.

Who can say wither he will go from here?

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