Viewing profile - Jason M Johnson

Jason M Johnson
Character Race:
caucasion human
Usually found wearing a black duster over a denim or cotton shirt, long sleeved, with denim pants and old worn work boots on the feet. With every move is the hint of the cross draw holsters that he keeps hidden away, twin butts of pistols glimpsed. Auburn hair is normally up in a pony tail, though when down it only comes tot eh middle of his back. The only other distinguishable things about his face otehr than the care and weather worn ruggedness is the mustache, trimmed, connected to the coarse beard covering his chin, both slightly lighter in color then his hair. Soft brown eyes look out at a world he's seen for a while, but has tried not to be jaded by it. Keeps himself trim, but no muscle bound ape either, shoulders are broad and show no signs of slumping yet. A simple sterling silver celtic cross is usually pinned to his coat, which he rarely takes off.
Protection comes in many forms.

Jason offers most varieties, though he specifically deals in point to point transportation/ limo type service. His main vehicle of choice is a Conquest Vheicles Knight XV ( with personal modifications of course. This is the vehicle he uses for single or couple transportation. He does have a larger vehicle for parties and such. Comers need to be serious and willing to pay. After all, protection doesn't come cheap.

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Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:37 pm
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Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:35 pm
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