Viewing profile - Disciple of Qo

Disciple of Qo
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In the beginning, All was Void
And from the depths appeared four spirits
To pollute the Void, and render Form
To the purity of the Formless

Earth and Air, Fire and Water
Thus began the Million Worlds

Yet Form was Void without eyes to behold it
And thus four more spirits emerged
To grant Life to the worlds
That ravaged the Void

Life and Death, Light and Darkness
Thus began the Pantheon of Being

Yet Life was inert without Forces to shape
Its destiny. And so four spirits emerged
To give meaning to Life.
And the Void screamed in rage

Love and Hate, Harmony and Discord
Thus began Creation.

And thus... you must end it

-First Quadratic, the Book of Qo

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Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:11 am
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Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:11 am
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