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Mistress D
Character Race:
Femme fatale...
Usually can be seen at the Frostbite Inn.
Dominatrix or Slaver is the term here. Manager of the Frostbite Inn.
She is only known as Mistress. Or simply D. She appears to be in her late twenties maybe early thirties. She stands at 5'3 and weighs only 105lbs. She has a very curvy frame. The curves in all the right places of course. Her wavy raven locks trailing softly past her shoulders but not much longer. She has soft brown sultry hues. If one stares into her eyes they might catch of glimpse of the heat...The fire that is constantly there. Lush ruby red lips curled into her infamous wicked grin. And milky white skin smooth to the touch. Her long sharp manicured nails the color of crimson and black no. 1. Her voice when she speaks most of the time is soft, sultry, purring...Filled with sex and heat. Most of the time she can be seen wearing a black lacy corset, a pair of tight black vinyl pants, a pair of black vinyl arm-length gloves, and a pair of black six inch high heeled boots making her a little over 5'9. Sometimes she also wears a black, crimson, or white tight low-cut strapless thigh high dresses, along with black velvet or white lacy armlength or wrist length gloves, a furred shawl, and matching vinyl heels. Most of the time she carries a crop in her left hand with several collars hooked through her right belt loop. Just in case she finds someone who wants to be her slave. Or in case she finds someone for the taking.
BDSM. She's a natural born Sadist. Manipulation. Seduction. For those that are sensitive they might sense the heat, danger (yes there's always danger when one is around her), and the sexuality radiating from her body. Also if a person makes eye contact with her long enough they might feel a heat or lust radiating through their body. Her lust is never sated. Her want to punish the weak and wicked never fades. And other "talents" that remain to be seen...Her newest talent is that if she is in possession of something that someone owns she can take on their form. A talent she has been using quite a lot lately.
{Character's looks are based off of Dita Von Teese.}

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Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:36 pm
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"It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure.”- Marquis de Sade