Viewing profile - Elkinid'qualn Teken'irrt

Elkinid'qualn Teken'irrt
Elkinid'qualn Teken'irrt
Character Race:
Elven - Half Dark, Half High
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Wizard of the Institute of Arcane Principle
Standing half a foot smaller than six full, he stares at the world with meticulously observant spheres the color of dim candle light; tawny ember. He is both Tel'Quessir and Mori'Quessir, the nature of his lineage a fiendish amalgam of drow and high elf.

A comingled hue of his ancestry, the combinations of ebony and golden flesh have dyed him something a bit more violaceous; an indication to those who study the fae that he is beyond explanation in regards to his heritage --the union of two such opposites often leaving the result unique and obscure. Perhaps the most substantial testimony to his more notorious pedigree is the thick ivory mane that flows all around him, often kept back in several braided tails.

Arcane tattoos decorate the slender muscle of his chest, shoulders, and stomach, offering him magical protection among several other advantages. He can often be found wearing a dark cloak appearing to made of actual reptile scale, and carries a thin sword upon his hip. The skill with this sword is not exactly adept, but he does know which end goes in the enemy.

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