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Storm Chaser
Pala Momus
Character Race:
Emerald Isles
Still far too young to have one
Presently the picture does not match the age of young Pala Momus. Pala is a three year old young girl with dark hair and shocking white eyes. Not a mark covers her face, yet, and she doesn't have quite as long hair. Her ears are still growing and peeking into the pointed ears that are seen in the adult picture of Miss Momus.

She has two forms, one humaniod and one dragon. The dragon is a deep blue shade with white streeks that rush along the scales like lightning. She is a sleek dragoness, a dragoness built for speed and grace.

When she is able to master her hybred form, the form of both dragon and humaniod will fuse and Pala will have both markings and scales appear on her body. Her tail will appear and remain as well as long, lush nails hard as diamonds and as dark as her scales.
She is learning the magic of her father Tass and mother Kitty. Together they are raising her to be aware of not only her skills in magic but her skills as a being. She hasn't discovered her breath weapon yet, but when she does her parents will be shocked to say the least. Pala is an independant and strong willed child with a way of her own. She sneaks out on occasion and causes all sorts of trouble that will turn old man Tass, just a little bit older and make Kitty want to rip out her hair. Never the less, she's got a way about her that one just can't help but love... For a few moments at least.

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Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:59 pm
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Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:59 pm
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