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Delphi Alethelia Thais
Character Race:
Imperial Elf, with a special touch
Somewhere in Rhydin
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
The city of Coivea, artistic capital of the Imperium, Pendann
Warrior & Citizen of the Imperium, Shaman, Ranger & Mistwalker, Defender of The Bridge, Guardian & Priestess of Fate
Upon first look, it would be apparent that she was of elven heritage. Angular features were composed upon high cheek bones and a slender face, giving her that elegant beauty that her kind was so known for. Green was the color of her eyes, gently touched by bits of sky and gold, with hair the shade of carmine coming to rest at mid-back and the tips of pointed ears showing through.

There was one thing that set her kind apart from any other race of elves. As was customary, each and every Imperial child was marked just moments after their birth; a small, curving brand extending from the outer corner of the right eye, reaching out toward the temple before curling down along the crest of cheek bone. Delphi was one of such race, and she wore the brand with dignity.

She was a proud being, something that most other races mistook simply as being arrogant or egotistical and usually assumed her as thus. Regardless, pride for her race was worn on her sleeve. She had the right.

Every civilian of the Imperium was battle-trained for at least three years before they were granted full citizenship and it was known that every member would answer the call should it be for war. The training of her kind was incomparable, no other race being able to hold the claim to have defeated them in battle in over two thousand years.

The child of an ambassador and a warrior, Delphi was taught the ways of two worlds. For her entire childhood, her mother would bring her along on many travels throughout the lands of Pendaan, teaching her how to win wars with clever words long before the drawing of swords. But when she came of age to join the ranks of the army, Delphi was trained under the skillful eye of her father, his love for her not granting her ease but instead fueling his determination that she would be just as known for her talent with swords as he was.

But regardless of what her parents wished for her to become, Delphi was driven to follow her own faith, her own beliefs, to do as she desired instead of what others planned for her. For those reasons, and perhaps a few others, she had left the comforts of her home to wander the lands, seeking out her own path and following it with all of the determination gifted to her, not to mention the encouragement one gets once oneself learns they aren't always just what they might first seem...
((OOC Note: This character is an adaptation of an actual character that I created and actively play at the Live Action Role Playing game "Mythical Journeys: Renaissance". I do not take credit for the creation of any locations, races or world history that I may use while playing, although any personal history or other, including altered, information is of my own imagination.))

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Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:51 pm
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Caress the one, the Never Fading
Rain in your heart, the tears of snow white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak
Reaching, searching for something untouched
Hearing voices of the Never Fading calling