Viewing profile - Mathew Fang

Mathew Fang
Mathew, Fang, or Gorilgr
Character Race:
Phoenix, but nearly always guised as a human.
Place of Origin:
RhyDin, southern desert.
Fang of the Four Winds
A muscle bound freak is the best way to describe this man at about six feet, five inches. Hair is a fiery red kept in a ponytail that falls past his shoulders. Facial hair is a full beard the same red hue. Clothing can best be described as monkish, often than not found in a loose fitting robe and of course he has clothing on underneath it, but that's generally just pants. A key note is the massive two-handed axe strapped across his back, one side being hammer like the other the axe-blade.

The Phoenix side of him is basically a bird as large as the man he guises himself as, a crimson mane from its head down, its neck, and back tappering off along the tail feathers. Feathers are a shifting hue of red, orange, and yellow. While a being of fire and it can be felt from his presence, it is not harmful unless he wills it to be.
Known as Mathew or Fang as human. As a phoenix he is known as Gorilgr.
A strong axe and fist fighter, it is evident that he has been in his share of scraps from the scars on his hands, arms, and one along the right side of his face. His ability with fire and healing magic is near legendary. Past that one would have to find out.

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