Viewing profile - Deacon Cross

Deacon Cross
Deacon Cross
Character Race:
Luskan of Western Faerun, Toril
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Sailor, businessman, many others.
The faint scent of salty sea air follows him when he enters a room. A roguish grin meets the eyes of those that see him, and truly a rogue he seems. Raven black hair is pulled back into a pony tail, bound with a simple length of supple brown leather. Bright, cobalt blue eyes radiate warmth and mirth from this seeker of adventure and discovery. A days growth of facial hair is typically found on his face, lips usually tilted into a crooked, mischievous grin. An intricate earring hangs from the lobe of his left ear, seemingly of a brushed silver design that depicts two curved daggers forming a complete circle, tip to hilt. He wears a black leather vest over a white poet's shirt which is tucked into black leather pants that fit his legs well. A crimson colored sash breaks the sea of black, tied at his waist with the knot at his right hip, a thin rapier hanging at his left and a dagger in each boot. He is Captain of the sailing ship, "Maiden's Blade"

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Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:40 pm
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Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:46 pm
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