Viewing profile - Dayaniera Khaul

Dayaniera Khaul
Dayaniera Khaul
Character Race:
Not normally no.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Large amethyst orbs framed by surprisingly dark sooty lashes would peer up at most people, a diminutive and misleadingly fragile build forcing her head to remain at a tilted angle for most conversations. Her pointed little chin would give her an almost haughty demeanor, made more apparent by both the slightly upturned nose and the lips that rarely curve into a smile.
Pale, moonsilk blonde hair would whisp in a straight sheet of nearly white, offering her slender shoulders a soft cloak before arriving in a sharp V at the narrow handspan waist.
Her bare midriff would reveal the glitter of jewelry as her pierced navel hosts the wealthy gem of her signet ring, declaring her family name by the crest emblazoned on it.
Slender toned legs revealed by the high cut embossed leather that offered both protection and ease of movement. Her small feet would be unburdened by shoes, the nails painted a glittery shade of pink and the jingle of bells accompanying her step from encircling anklets.

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Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:11 pm
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Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:54 pm
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