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Romax Pol
Character Race:
The Asylum Club, Rhy'din or aboard the Eclipse Class Star Destroyer Interigator II
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Thought to be from the Imperial City on Coruscant.
Sith Lord, Slaver, Assassin, Biochemist, Geneticist, and all around bad guy.
Rising to a height of 6' 5" he truly is an imposing figure, clad in midnight black leathers with hints of charcoal gray beneath. His lustrous raven hair is kept cut and styled based on the traditional Imperial Navy style. His body is athletic, toned, and well defined but his flesh is cold to the touch due to the cloning techniques used to keep him "immortal". Violently swirling royal purple eyes, which have taken on an incandescent glow of late, still hint from time to time at a deeper madness hidden within the dark warrior.
Anger and Passion show Peace for the lie it truly is. Passion begets Strength. Strength begets Power. With Power comes Immortality and Victory. There is no Death and no Weakness as through Victory all my chains have been broken. The Dark Side of the Force has set me free, and so I pledge myself to the Darkness for I have found True Life in the Death of the Light.

The Dark Lord has a great deal of knowledge and many, many skills at his disposal from his long years of service to the Empire. From the Imperial Academy he has received advanced doctoral degrees in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, and genetics. He was given precise instruction and training in tactical planning and analysis. Romax was already a master varied combat styles, by this point he was already a master of the seven forms of lightsaber combat and had already modified them to suit his dual lightsaber technique. He was an expert marksman with any ranged weapon at 1000 paces and at higher ranges with the more modern sniper rifles. It was at this time that Romax also became a master of Teras Kasi (Steel Hands), which he's since learned to integrate into his lightsaber combat styles.

His training as a Grand Inquisitor, a Dark Side adept, and a Sith came from the Emperor and Darth Vader themselves and his training in the Sith arts included both Sith Alchemy and Sith Sorcery. The Dark Side of the Force has allowed him to take those skills and abilities to the next level. Through the Force, he has the ability to: Read and Control minds; Alter memories; Absorb and dissipate energy of any type; Augment his physical traits such as speed and strength; Excellent control in telekinesis and matter manipulation; Create and sense illusions created. Related, he can sense the life force of others and as such he has become very adept at snuffing out that life force. (This is by no means a full accounting of his abilities with the Force.)

Romax has a knack for experimentation and adaptation of what he's learned to not only help extend his life but to become a much more effective killing machine, and all of his experimentation starts and ends on the slaves that he collects and sells. He continues to seek and acquire knowledge in every area that he's proficient in.

Romax Pol is a known assassin as is to be considered armed and very dangerous.

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Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:38 pm
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"The procedure is, regrettably, quite painful. Are you sure you don't wish to talk to me now?"
"And now, my Rebel friend, we shall have a…chat."