Viewing profile - Mogriil

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Character Race:
Rhydin Den
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Character Portrait
Outcast Mercenary Knight
Mogriil stands about 6 feet tall. He's roughly 18 though no one is for sure about his age. He only has his first name. His eyes are an extreme yellow. Fur color from what can be seen under the armor is deep chestnut and black mottled. No one has seen his face or muzzle as he does not remove his helmet. His hair is long, about a waist length, and jet black. His armor is a mix between medievil and samurai. He touts around a long Lupinossi fighting lance for his weapon. He has a sentient Wolfral for a mount named Draagoo who can cast magic and speak. Draagoo has some dragon lineage in his blood. Fur is charcoal gray, with fire red markings on flak and around the right eye. The horns and tail spikes are copper color, and his eyes are violet.

Most of the Refugee's know little on Mogriil. They know he had no legitimate father, and his mother passed away years ago. They do know he often sides with underdog armies and does a lot of under the table mercenary work as his muddy blood line bars him from actually fighting for Royal Dens.

He loves danger, fighting, and being risky. Pinchant for running his muzzle and insulting people sometimes.
Lance skills, Knight skills, Mercenary skills, conning skills, theft, hand to hand fighting, armor making and mending. Hunting, cleaning, tanning, and a lot of other exile skills.

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Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:44 am
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Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:34 am
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