Viewing profile - Sitalkis

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Character Race:
Dakini (The race name translates as "sky fairy or sky spirit or sky guardian" in common.)
Where ever the dance of the universe sends her.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Ornamental Carving of a temple dancer, temple guardian, protector of the temple and its' denizens. Works with the nagas (cobra like demi gods) to accomplish this.
Blessed or perhaps cursed by her supernatural creation with a form that may inflame a man's desire or a woman's envy, possessing the shape and skills of a temple dancer with the supernatural skills of a guardian spirit. Although born of stone, her animating spirit has clothed that frame in a covering suitable for an earthly existence. She appears human but has the strength and endurance of stone, weapons can damage her flesh, but not her existence. If this frame were to be destroyed, and it would take a cataclysm of the same kind as to destroy a stone column in a temple, her spirit would return to the temple in order to be reincarnated again from another temple carving. Since doing battle with a demon and losing, she has been stripped of her warrior abilities and retains only those few celestial abilities that mark her as other than human.
Dance, both sacred and secular. Flight/apparition, materialize objects, dematerialize objects, the ability to seduce and charm allies and enemies alike with her voice, form and movements. When she was a warrior, defending the temple and the worshipers therein from all enemies, capable of armed and unarmed combat, using various blades, blunt weapons and the sheer strength and weight of her true form of stone, should she have needed to transform back into her original shape during a fight. (Picture credit goes to Camille Kuo.)

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Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:14 am
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Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:24 am
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