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Mokksha aka Kalí (She is only Kalí if and when the goddess chooses to manifest in the mortal realm t
Character Race:
Wife of Fen Stridar
"They aren't birthmarks, they are tattoos, one for each year spent learning amongst the bards of my birth father's clan, but I also spent my early years at the temple of the goddess of my birth mother's clan, so I wear the sacred spirals and mehindi(bindi) both to honor that heritage."

And given her contradictory childhood, surviving at all is an accomplishment! Mokksha is one of those strange creatures, a nominal adult who is still a child in most ways. She appears to be in her twenties physically, but emotionally or mentally, who knows?

Mokk is a human member of the Rhydin den of Lupinossi through her marriage to Fen Stridar and has been adopted by members of the den as a family member in her own right. Streetwolf is her second (in Rhydin) adopted father and Ammy and Fleet are her adopted sister/aunt and brother/uncle. She also tries to help her husband in his job as soul guardian or godparent to little Myrlene, Ammy and Fleet's child.

She is a well built young woman, for all that she lacks in stature, being two inches over five feet, with wild black hair and sea change eyes.
(Character portrait and avatar by Nicole Cadet. Modified by me for use on RDI .)
Her former primary profession was that of unicorn bait, so that samples could be collected from still living and unharmed unicorns for magical purposes. Now that she is married she has given up that calling and all the trappings that go with it, though she has kept her bow and arrows handy, so that any remaining ventures into the forest for small game to stock the den's larders will be successful, but her primary concern is caring for her adopted family and helping as a nursing assistant at Whisper Paws Clinic.

She she is somewhat force sensitive with talents in healing and defensive shielding, due to her training with her former guru Master Caliber. She is not averse to an expeditious retreat if it will keep her alive to tell the tale. Since she is conflict averse she keeps and uses several gifts from Arak Kryyn, a Sunari mage, a magical gryphonlike race, her first sweetheart in Rhydin, which are a jeweled ruby bracelet that allows her to fly with a pair of spirit wings and a magically crafted pendant that is supposed to protect her from magical/spiritual possession by an evil power. She also has a magic mirror portal in the form of a powder puff compact that allows her to return to the Lupinossi den upon opening and touching the surface of the mirror.

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