Viewing profile - Ravios-Wyvern Slayer

Ravios-Wyvern Slayer
Character Race:
Traveling (currently)
Monster Hunter and Geographer
He has short brown hair. His eyes burn with a passion for the hunt, they're also a bright blue from one perspective and also dark blue from another. For a lack of a better skin tone he has an average skin tone... He is lean and fit with a bit of fat... He is about 6'3 and weighs about 210. He has an upbeat attitude and prefers to live life carefree, cracking jokes, and having a good time. He has a nasty scar across his waistline from a time he went hunting a beast known as a Rathalos, a mighty wyvern with a nasty burn in its breath and a sting in its tail. The beast managed to wrap its maw around his waist during a group hunt with novice hunters (Him including) the King of the Skies then threw him up against a cave wall and at the last second was saved by a mysterious Gun-lance wielder...
His armor on typical hunts with no extra catch... consists of the Hunter series with a templar's facemask pulled up(like a modern base ball-hat) and a metal plate linked together with rawhide and chain links. When on specific missions such as slaying a type of elemental foe, he goes on self induced quests to find and gather materials needed to create equipment maximizing his defense and exposing the mark's weakness.

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Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:44 pm
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Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:45 pm
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