Viewing profile - DracoDarksteel

Draco Darkesteel
Character Race:
Maijin (Humanoid)
Somewhere Else
Place of Origin:
Sumara Colony, Republic of 13
bodyguard, man for hire, aspiring craft-mage
[b]Appearance: [/b]
By the “old standards”
Height: 6” 1’
Weight: 140lbs
Eyes: Dark blue, like the hottest part of a fire
Hair Color: Brown with lighter highlights. Strange platinum blonde streaks through his bangs.
Hair style: Just barely shoulder length, layered. Bangs short to stay out of his eyes.
Build: Meduim, conditioned athletic
Defining marks:

Dress style: His people tend to avoid skin to skin contact, mostly among themselves. He, true to them, favors long sleeve garments. His clothes cut to allow freedom of movement. Low cut boots reinforced at heal and toe. Most of what he wears are surviving possession of the place he came from. High quality, durable fabric with wards woven in.

Possessions always on this person: A pendent on a chain of tightly braided medal, with no clasp. It holds a medium sized crystal held in a setting made of many metals. A drop of red sapphire hanging from his right ear, and a smokey emerald green stud higher up. A plain but sturdy dagger he keeps strapped to his leg at almost all times. An intricate wrist brace on his right arm, made of interwoven metals and tiny precious and semi precious stones.
[b]Fighting: [/b]

Preferred weapon type: Hand to hand, Sword, dagger, minor elemental magic

Fighting style: He studied the ways of fighting, weapons, and battle in youth simpley to build confidence and defend himself from bullies. He never imagined it would become the center of his life. He dislikes killing and will only do it in direct self defense. As a sword has no purpose BUT to kill, his sword only comes out as a last resort. He relies of deflection, and evasion in a fight. He’s an expert at making his opponents miss and waste there strength more than he blocks their attacks.

“You can’t win when you meet force with force. Let it move around you, turn it back on its wielder. Dodge, deflect, and redirect.”

[b]Weapon Description: [/b]

By the standards of his people, his magic is… weak, at best. It is not a lack of understanding, skill, or talent. It is a lack of large reserves. His people’s art uses the energy inside the caster to direct and effect other energies. Having such a comparably limited capacity kept him from untaking the usual cuuriculam. Studying on his own, he extended the deflection and redirection he learning in fighting to his magic. And with proper time and prepation found he could equal the effects of his “betters.”

He absorbs opponents magic, grounding the underlying energy into reservoirs on his person, they reforming that energy to defend himself.

[b]Views On

... Love: Is to be treasured, for the people that it comes from are all too easily lost.

... Relationships: Each one is a risk. Only time will show you if it will be rewarded/

... People: Are inherently unknowable. To believe otherwise is a dangerous path that leads to being fooled.

... Society: If anybody had found the “perfect path” they would not need to talk about it. The virtue of each truth alone would help it spread. The fact that people have to argue, shows that their way is not perfect.

... Happiness: Walks hand in hand with sorrow. To know one you must know the other

[b]Personal History: [/b]

Like many, he found himself in the city by chance. After an exhaustive day of training,, he was caught in a strange storm as much of light and color as wind and rain. When he tried to get back to his apartments, he found himself stumbling on unfamiliar streets and sleeping under unfamiliar stars.

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Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:07 pm
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Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:25 pm
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