Viewing profile - Cailean Connor

Cailean Connor
Séamus Patrick O'Connell
Character Race:
Lycanthrope - Werewolf
His Cottage, Rhy'Din
Dabbles in a little bit of everything.
Standing at 6'3", Séamus often finds himself towering over others. Séamus has got auburn hair that turns blonde at the tips, giving him a frosted look. He's usually found rubbing the auburn facial hair he has growing along his jaw line, a habit his mother loathed. His favorite aspect of himself is his eyes, they range from a blue green, to green, to hazel, reflecting on the mood he's in. He's usually apt to wearing boots, jeans and a button up shirt. Just a personal preference.

Séamus is soft spoken and quiet when around people he isn't used to. When he's involved in an activity he loves or is determined to accomplish well, he becomes completely absorbed.

Thanks to Catalina, and the wolf, Seamus is now happily accompanied by a little wolf cub wherever he goes!

( For more info, check out the website link below. I am not completely done with his Trip Through the Nexus link, though. The information needs to be updated. )
His stronger attributes tend to rely on his shifting. After he was changed, he found he was a hell of a lot more fast, strong and defined. Hunting and math are also his stronger points; in both he has a gained a perfect expertise level of precision.

Since he's still a young werewolf, he's unable to control his shifting as of yet. Also, like most of his kind, he's allergic to silver. He has little to no resistance to silver, thus leaving him exceptionally weak to it. When put in a situation involving any friends or family, he will risk his own neck to make sure they stay safe.

More often than not, Séamus is found with twin modified Desert Eagles .50 ae, one with an 'S' engraved in it and the other with a 'T', and a lycan dagger (the blade is kind of shaped like a wolf's head, he acquired this from his father before he left). The guns usually are snugly resting in their holsters and the dagger placed in the back of his left boot. ( The guns are more for target practice than self defense, really. )

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Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:51 pm
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Just a young wolf lover.