Viewing profile - BalancedInteger

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Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Alec Taprobane
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Character Portrait
Alec has short, fine blond hair and hazel eyes that hold quite a serene quality to them. At 6-foot-3, he is neither short of stature nor extraordinarily tall. Should you get a look at his physique, he is what one might describe as "wiry," with well-defined muscles that are nothing close to herculean... a body built for speed and agility, rather than brute force.

Alec is almost always seen wearing a white button-down shirt, black trousers, and black boots. When he first found himself traveling Rhydin, he would never be seen without a pair of tight black leather gloves on... but thanks to his time with the BCU, he has since shed his need to protect himself from physical contact to his hands.

Over all of that, Alec wears a black trenchcoat that sports a lining made of SmartArmor(tm) plates that help protect his body from ballistic projectiles (bullets, arrows, certain spells), while providing a measure of protection against slower, non-ballistic impact attacks (blades, fists, two-by-fours).

Underneath his coat, he also carries a holstered pair of SigSauer P229s, each with a full clip of 9mm hollowpoint rounds plus one in each chamber, for a total of 13 shots in each gun. There are also a pair of Ippon sliverblades sheathed at the small of his back. They are thin 12-inch blades with no hilt, made of Ippon lightsteel, and well designed for slashing, piercing, and throwing.

Alec also has the standard tau-jin battle fatigues, though he has never worn them.
It is said that the true challenge of Creation lies not in the engineering, but rather in the ability to control one's project. The tau-jin understood this axiom well. First, combine the elements that comprise the whole, allowing reactions to occur. Observe the reactions to identify the cancerous elements; that which performs contrary to the intended purpose.

Once identified, the cancers can be isolated. Cast out. Eliminated. Thus can the creation grow and thrive towards its intended purpose.

Control is not a simple thing. It requires patience. Discipline. And sometimes... intervention. For only when control is firmly and finally established can one hold the title of Tau-jin.

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