Viewing profile - Russell Archer

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Russell Archer
Russell "Rush" Archer
"You are Here"
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Height: 6'
Hair: Brown, mostly short
Eyes: Brown
Build: Average to slim

Style: Jeans, t-shirt and a denim jacket somewhat rumpled are worn most typically. His favorite shoes are an old pair of army boots. With the untied laces, it's a wonder how he doesn't trip over his own two feet as he walks.

Other Stuff: His jacket has a number of patches on it, obscure bands mostly. He's got a couple of tattoos but nothing that would be seen in public except in the unlikely event that his shirt was somehow separated from his body. His right wrist has a bit of leather twisted around it and knotted; it seldom comes off.
One boot sat upright, the other lay on its side near the door. Outside a breeze played through the trees causing the occasional scratching of branches against the frame of the cabin. The scent of hot chocolate hung in the air. The music that drifted through the sparse living room came from the idly plucked strings of a worn black guitar. It lay comfortably across the chest of the slender frame sprawled comfortably in an equally worn chair. The tune was neither familiar nor even all together on key. A phone caught between his shoulder and ear almost slipped free but a quick hand caught it and set it back in place.

"No, I'm still here. Go on." Long fingers lay idle for a moment then began to wander the strings again while the speaker continued with what they were saying. He let the voice go on for a while without interrupting verbally although there did come the occasional face at what was said. Eyes even crossed once but he managed to swallow the laugh so the speaker would not know they were just that close to being made fun of. It was several minutes later when he finally exhaled a soft chuckle. "Yes, I'm still here. Mmhmm, everything here is fine." After a brief pause he continued, "Yes, I'm sure. Just go to bed." One more laugh and then he managed to get in a "Good night to you too." Fingers left the strings long enough to disconnect his end of the phone call and put it back on its cradle. A secret grin colored his expression for a moment, then eyes drifted shut. This was indeed a good place to be.

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Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:54 am
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Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:54 am
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