Viewing profile - A Common Cur

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Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
A Common Cur
Renley Killian
Character Race:
Rhydin City
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Haliend Village
Renley stands at 5 feet and 8 inches in height. Obviously a Caucasian human male who is not particularly largely built; weighing only 170 pounds. He has black hair that is kept short and neatly arranged. His most striking feature being his eyes, which are a shocking ice white in color with a very faint blue tint and pupils that are not at all black. In fact, they too are blue-tinted white. This is not a genetic trend of awesomeness as it is so much a congenital defect. Renley is very obviously blind.

In his possession at all times, Renley carries with him a long slim cane. This is not the traditional white cane with red tip as carried by other members of his shared handicap society. The cane itself may look flimsy, but is in fact very durable and made from an unknown material that allows it to withstand and give quite a beating. He is known to use this item as a weapon in Swords dueling.

Always in the company of an Australian shepherd dog named Icabod.
Renley is a psiconist. This means that he has a lot of phenomenal mental cosmic power at his disposal. These abilities cover a wide range of things from telepathy to telekinesis and so much more. If your character is also psionic, he or she may sense this. I will always ask in play or private messages whether or not your character is susceptible to psychic intrusion. I ask that this same courtesy be extended to me should an opportunity arise.

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Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:34 pm
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Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:18 pm
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Renley Killian (A Common Cur)
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