Viewing profile - Portia Hayden

Portia Hayden
Portia Blake Hayden
Character Race:
Entertaining Angels
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Stained-Glass Glazier: Designer and Conservator
Portia was a woman composed of colors so vivid and lines so cleanly-defined that she might have been a figure cut from a panel of her own stained glass.

She was of an average height for the women of RhyDin, possessed of curves and feminine softness, lean muscle and the strength it afforded all in balance.

Her hair could be described as red, but in the same sunlight that loved the work of her skilled hands, it was orange and gold and copper and a thousand shades in between framing her open, rounded face.

Her nose was slightly crooked and dusted in freckles that fanned out over her cheeks. Her brows were naturally thin and pale, arching over green eyes that took in the world with an artist's joy and curiosity.

Taken as a whole, she wasn't beautiful in the traditional sense and rarely dressed to accentuate her feminine form, but there was a spirit of kindness and a quiet confidence about her that was as attractive as it was approachable.
Gifted with glass.
An avid reader and student of foreign languages.
Good with animals and people.
Dangerous in the kitchen.

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