Viewing profile - Hyejin Ri

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Hyejin Ri
Hye-jin Ri
Character Race:
half human half dokkaebi
Kabuki Street
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Character Age:
22 (December 20)
Place of Origin:
Geonggye Village
Hye-jin stands 5'5'' and has shoulder length hair presently half dyed blond. She has a slender muscular build and favors wearing dark colors.

She was born in an isolated fishing village on a stretch of gloomy rocky coast, her mother having contacted the dokkaebi that protected the village. She was the eldest of three girls, and when their village was badly damaged by a storm she used the insurance check to send her youngest sister, Yu-jin to a good boarding school while she travelled alone at the age of fifteen to Rhydin City. She hoped to get work on a fishing boat but instead found herself getting into trouble with the local Dockside gangs. The following year she was sent away to Joruri High School, a remote boarding school in the hills to the northeast of the city built primarily to house and reform part-youkai who were too unruly to remain safely in Dockside. There she was temporarily reunited with the middle Ri sister, Hee-jin, before the latter transferred to a gold mining camp sponsored by the school in the southern desert.

Hye-jin worked hard for several years to obtain enough academy merit points to be awarded an upgrade of a western bed in place of the futon in her dorm room, but tragically just as she obtained the last points needed the school was exposed as a fraudulent scam and closed. She returned to the city and worked odd jobs, finally being recruited to Kabuki Street's Shinsengumi unit due to her formidable physical and magic ability tempered with greater patience learned at the boarding school.
Hye-jin possesses great physical strength due to her dokkaebi bloodline and a natural facility at wrestling. Hye-jin has taken instruction in boxing and kickboxing and is proficient with the heavy club she tends to favor as her weapon. She is highly durable, able to regenerate and do some limited shapeshifting to effect disguises effortlessly. Hye-jin is skilled with handguns and always wears a pair of revolvers while on patrol. The dokkaebi bloodline gives her limited ability to influence weather in her immediate vicinity, but the line is diluted enough to make the range and scope of effect quite limited. Her patrol route rotates from central to south Kabuki Street.

However, she lost one upper left premolar in a fight before she came of age and her regeneration became powerful enough to restore it. Hye-jin is very sensitive about this and is actively searching for an expert that might be able to install an implant replacement that will withstand her supernatural regeneration's efforts to reject it. As of the winter of 2022 she still has never slept in a western style bed and continues her quest to save up for one in addition to restoring her missing tooth.

3/18/22 Hyejin got her tooth restored.

Though she never bought a western-style bed of her own, Hye-jin sleeps in Yuri's bed.

6/10/23 Hye-jin and Yuri were married at the Twilight Pavilion and Teahouse.

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