Viewing profile - Loreck

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Character Race:
Not alive anymore
Rhy'din - Old Temple District
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Character Age:
Somewhere in his 30s?
Place of Origin:
Rhy'din - Dragon's Gate District
He's thin, wiry, and fit, if not a little gaunt. Longish wheat colored hair on his head, some of it peppered with grey. Clothing in various styles and colors, though nothing too particular. He likes things that don't tear. Favors jeans, as they last longer. His eyes are blue, and almost always look faraway when they don't they just look hollow.

Consequence became a relative term during the worming away from it he did when he still had a mind to. Now he's a bird though, not a worm. He always wears a necklace with a small metal pendant, filled with tiny cogs and a music wheel. When twisted from the top of its chain a sad, lovelorn tune plays for minutes at a time.

If you talk to him he might talk to you. He might talk at you. He might talk through you. Or he might not talk at all.
He was, is? He has been a true blue Rhy'dinian. Were there trouble, you can bet he'd have known whether or not to get out of the way or back up just enough to blend into the nearest wall when it's too big or too bad to bother with.

Of course, his own moves were pretty impressive, for just some guy off the street. You learned what you could from whoever'd teach you when you grew up like he did.

After you've faced some of the things he's faced, too, you pick up a few tricks and treats that aren't in your standard playbook.

Of course, once you've broken open, so too do the floodgates.

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Sun Mar 21, 2021 8:41 pm
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Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:14 pm
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