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Marek Kharune, aka The Wolf.
Character Race:
Modified Human, Grandfather was said to be Elven.
Here and There.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Character Age:
Older than he looks.
Place of Origin:
Seattle. ( Alternate version of Earth. )
Ex-Shadowrunner. A Hunter of Things. Part Owner of The Grumpy Gator Bar and Grill outside of Rhydin City.
Marek would like to make you think he was just a simple guy but that was the farthest from the truth. At one time he ran the shadows in Seattle against several corporations. A long time Elven friend by the name of The Jackal had aided him along the way in the beginning of his life and now years later he was considered one of the "go to" people if you needed a job done and done right. His morals were questionable, but his bullets met their marks.
He has several daughters, Eliza, Sarah, Janan and a few more.
"Destroy all that which is evil, so that which is good may flourish."

(The Actor Hugh Jackman has always been the look for Marek Kharune since he was created years ago.)
Additional Notes: Retractable Hand Blades, three to the back of each hand. Extremely dangerous as the implants are rated to sever bone, they are able to slide out or retract on instinct. Bone Lacing is a process in which the cellular structure of the subject's bones is augmented with lattice chains of reinforcing plastics and metals to improve the bone's integrity and tensile strength. Lacing makes bones virtually unbreakable by conventional standards, however, laced bones can still be broken if great enough deliberate force is applied. Aluminum and titanium lacing show up on conventional metal detectors. Marek is rumored to have Mithril. Boosted Reflexes are a one time electro-chemical treatment that increases the body's natural reflexes.

"And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be."

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"Death smiles at us all, all a Man can do is smile back."