Viewing profile - Alex Solomon

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Alex Solomon
Alex Solomon
Character Race:
Enhanced human
If ya see him, he's there
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Character Age:
Appears 38
Place of Origin:
Whatever pays
They came to him with a formula, a sample they picked up spilled on the pavement.

Not a lot. Just a few milliliters, really.

He was just a lab rat. One of those nerdy little guys in a lab coat, pocket protector and yes, even the glasses. He couldn't even gain the attention of the receptionist, other than to look at his ID.

But when he figured out what it was they brought him, it all changed.

Of course, the thanks he got was to be a completely different sort of lab rat. The kind that gets poked and prodded and tested and run through mazes.

And then they locked him in a box and froze him until they could find a use for him.

Put on ice. Literally. Because they asked him to do his job. And he did it.

So when the power failed in the basement they'd kept him locked in after the building above it was destroyed, he did what anyone else in his position would have done.

He ran.

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Fri Jan 29, 2021 10:07 am
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Stand up for what you believe in. No matter the odds. No matter the consequences.

- CAPT Steven Rogers