Viewing profile - Aryxon SeyrLotho

Aryxon SeyrLotho
Aryxon SeyrLotho
Character Race:
Wherever she pleases
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Character Age:
Young for a dragon
Place of Origin:
Being adorable, getting into mischief
Aryxon, or Ryx for short, though she'd have no way of telling anyone that, was barely bigger than a bread box. From nose to tail she measured about two feet in length, half of that greatly attributed to her prehensile tale. Her scales are soft and supple with just the slightest iridescent sheen to them.

At only a few centuries old, she's practically an infant and very trusting, but cross her once and she won't soon forget!
She can breathe very small but potent blasts of fire, but they are a bit unreliable as she is still learning how to control them. Sometimes they heal wounds or cleanse objects, even food and drink, but mostly... stuff just gets destroyed!

Able to fly short distances and can climb just about anything, her small frame allows her to squeeze into even the tightest cracks and crawl spaces.

Although she hasn't mastered standard speech yet and usually resorts to chirps and chitters, she's usually able to get her point across. Whatever she lacks in audible communication, she makes up for in body language.

She's intelligent and fiercely loyal once a friend is made, but can be a bit oblivious.

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