Viewing profile - dead suns

dead suns
Character Race:
Here and there
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
art by Ethan Stover
Character Age:
Appears middle aged
Place of Origin:
Rust City
Street performer, hunter
A dark skinned man not quite six feet tall, he is wiry thin and usually dressed in worn traveling leathers in hues of brown and tan. Age is difficult to ascertain from the bone white hair to the sun scarred face full of scowl lines. When not wearing goggles of dark smoked glass, his eyes are all void and no white. Ears wolfish and long are covered in dark fur that runs along the desert man's jawline, the right badly tattered and torn and no longer moving and shifting to track sounds as the left does. Scars are half hidden under fur and hair along that side of his face. Black tattoos swirl around eyes, down cheekbones, and where visible it is clear he is covered in ink, right down to the tips of black clawed fingers.
He is also possessed of a simple traveler's pouch hanging from a thick belt, next to the scabbard of a thin dirk. There is always the scent of clove smoke and burnt dust about him.
Blowing fabulous smoke rings, poking things full of holes, not allowing the walls to notice him, simple sleight of hand trickeries, stepping thru voids in the world to a desert at the end of some universe's timeline where the Big Crunch is in process.

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Mon May 04, 2020 8:42 pm
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