Viewing profile - Dawnfury

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Nyxis of Dawnfury
Character Race:
Vastaya / Tribe of Besheb (Harpy)
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Place of Origin:
First Lands / Omikayalan ("Heart of the World")
The legendary Vastayashai'rei were once said to be mortals that drank the magic of the God-Willow tree, shape changing into wild, deathless beings who mastered the spirit of the world as their weapons. They fought back the aggression of titans that had come from the world above the clouds, settling a thousand year war with their new found tether to the roots of the God-Willow.

With the war won, the Vastayashai'rei settled into the mortal plane to live among their brethren of man and woman. Their descendants became the Vastaya, chimerical creatures of land, sky, and sea that were neither mortal nor immortal. Greatly attuned to the very roots of the God-Willow their ancestors took strength from, they set out into separate tribes to be the guardians of the balance between man and gods.

One clan in particular was the Besheb. Equipped as aerial warriors of the sky, they rule the highest peaks of Omikayalan where one could almost touch the central cluster of stars that made their galaxy. Harpies made with strong talons and beautiful plumage, wings that allowed them to soar and glide.

Nyxis is Uu'tali Besheb, the true harpy; wings do not sprout from shoulder or back but grow from the skin of arms, down the length to the very ball of the wrist. Her feet are akin to an eagles great talons, even the stalks of her legs appear to be bird-like rather than human. Her hands, also, are fitted with talons. A pair of smaller wings shape themselves at the sides of her head and seem to be connected to her ears. They often branch up and fit themselves in a manner that resembles the architecture of a fox's but with feathers instead of fur.

Gold eyes seem all that much sharper with her hair the color of maroon and burgundy, the same tinting found in the patterning of her feathers. Slight of frame and agile to a fault, she stands at five-five and carries with her an air of storms, blood, and primal traditions.
Besheb Vastaya are known as sentinels of the sky. Nyxis is no different.

Proficient at hunting, stealth, and lore keepers of Omikayalan. Their magic is that of the wind. Like others of Vastayan blood, they are profound shapeshifters yet rarely appear as strictly human. This causes discomfort as one might feel they were in too tight of skin.

The Besheb are known keepers of ai'er (birds of prey/raptors) and are often seen in their company whether hunting or keeping vigil over the skies. Ai'er are family, more so than smaller avian species. Nyxis is often found with five ai'er that look like harpy eagles of the Common world yet are ruddy-red in color. They are larger than most big dog breeds.

Tribes of the Sky speak Vastayan like their kin of the Land and the Sea but are quick learners to other languages. They also excel in mimicry of sound, whether it be a voice or a complex song, so they are known for stealing others voices for the sake of trickery.

( Nyxis does not speak Common fluently enough to know every word! Please be patient while she tries to figure it out. While harpies have a bad reputation, Nyxis is not from Grecian mythology though some of it is heavily reflected in features alone. Feel free to message me if you have any questions! Vastaya lore is owned by Riot Games, and I just happen to love it to the point of wanting to write my own version of it. )
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