Viewing profile - Barry Finch

Barry Finch
Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Bartholomew "Barry" Finch
Character Race:
Where trees grow tall
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
Hapthor Bjornson - FC
Broad. Broader than most men. And just too tall to be comfortable when walking through some doorways. His hair is a thick, washed out sort of brown, dark enough that it can be mistaken on occasion for black, though as it wraps into his beard it gains an almost chestnut coloration.

His eyes are dark, so dark, and deep if you look into them. They look, to the type that might stare, as though they take in more than they should be able to. A heavy brow and a strong nose, almost chiseled into the stone of his face.

His shoulders and arms are thickly muscled and his torso, while broad and strong, is wrapped in a protective layer of fat. His strength is to be used. His legs are thick and strong, as well. Roots for the trunk, as it were. His feet ground him well. His forearms, and likely the rest of his body, are covered in a mess of long, knotted scars.

He dresses the part of a mountain man, with warm flannels and thick leather jackets in the winters, to thinner but still durable materials in the warmer months. Always sturdy footwear. Likely suited to trekking through the woods.

That's about all you need to know.
Woodland quality maintenance. Other.

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