Viewing profile - Starspell

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Lyra Rise
Character Race:
She fell from Asteria
Girlishly aerial
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The shape of Capricorn
Lead vocals for AFTERGLOW
Just short of being tall with her rawboned figure. A sprightly cut of flaxen bleached hair. Big, bold Alice blue eyes smudged in jet black. She's a rhapsodic pixie who dresses for herself. Some find their fate in her electric smile.

Accessories include sunglasses, cheap Lucky Strike cigarettes, bubblegum pink or bulls eye red lighter, ear buds that stream modern to classical from a cassette player, strips of silver jewelry lining ethereal fingers or slight wrists, and a necklace dappled with a single gemstone resembling a Baroque pearl. Small is the string necked plum velvet pouch of Rider-Waite tarot cards.
Impossibly blithe (she'll turn to stone before turning prudish) with a knack for reading palms on Sunday and auras on Wednesday. Terribly anxious during daylight hours unless captivated by a bottle of Freixenet Mia Moscato Rose (it tempts as kisses often do) or stuck in the cove of another's eyes. Helps the helpless if only they ask while condemning the ruthless with arctic silence. Impatient, often waspish, giving light to the lineage of a muse. She can ramble with an innate sang-froid just before turning wildly hedonistic.
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Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:22 am
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Fri Apr 17, 2020 3:03 am
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