Viewing profile - Miho Okita

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Miho Okita
Miho Okita
Kabuki Street delinquent dorm #2
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
delinquent and cook
One of the second wave of Hakata delinquents to arrive in Kabuki Street, Miho has at various times made her living in the neighborhood waiting tables at several of the bars and restaurants. She has also worked part time at Jusco in almost every department of the store as well as assembling furniture in the warehouse and worked as a dealer in the card rooms above Pachinko Parlor. She recently graduated the paramedic training school in New Haven but is currently between jobs.

She is a tremendous Super Sentai fan and enjoys training in karate and judo. She can often be found roaming the alleys of Kabuki Street in hopes of thwarting evil while wearing her bright yellow sukajan.

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Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:50 am
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Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:04 am
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