Viewing profile - Majel KarDova

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Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Majel KarDova
Majel "Maj" KarDova
RhyDin City
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
(Artwork by // Only used for this purpose)
Character Age:
Appears to be in her 30's
Place of Origin:
Kalidon, one of the Shattered Sword islands (RhyDin). Recently moved into the heart of the lands.
Merchant, puddle jumper, pearl diver, and more!A newly-aproned barkeep at the Red Dragon Inn
Her fiery red hair is thick and long, with the last few inches are black. Golden eyes glitter when she’s happy or up to something fun. She has a noticeable scar below her right eye, but it’s years and years old. Under the wondrous layers of red hair, ears taper upwards to a delicate end, but she is not Elfin. Her ears are double-tipped and the only hint that she's not one of the Humans, Elfin, or Fae.

Her attire is usually a blousy-sleeved poet’s shirt, a leather vest, leather britches, boots and a utility belt about her trim waist. Her belt holds several compartments for coins, herbs, a bauble or two. Her dagger is sheathed there, too. Each of her boots have multiple little compartments on the outer sides of them. One a long link-chain around her neck, she carries a pendant of strong glass. The glass is wrapped tightly and beautifully in wire shaped like a tress and branches. Inside the pendant is a swirling, bluish-green light. It is not glaring or very bright, but occasionally it seems to swirl and shift about, as if someone had stirred it.

Though she and her bloodline are telepathic, she CANNOT read the minds of others, nor can she project her thoughts to anyone else unless that other person is a telepath as well. True telepaths are not common, so she is unused to speaking that way with others.

Full of energy, living life to its fullest and she’s always looking for a reason to gather more contacts as she is a merchant woman of the King’s Road Mercers (a group of merchants that meet once a year at a feast for food, drink, music, and talk). As she is highly skilled in the Drasnian Secret Language, those well-known contacts are very important when there’s a need for negotiations, low and high in their standing.

Unwed, she has yet to find the perfect lovely creature to share all with.

Born and raised on one of the Shattered Sword islands in RhyDin, she has recently moved to the infamous city by the same name. Room # 209 is hers at the Red Dragon Inn.
“I’ve found that the best journey I ever had was when I finally threw away the map!”

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Majel "Maj" KarDova
"Do not worry. Everything has flaws, everything has cracks. How else would the light get in?" -Maj