Viewing profile - Kaeven Vraal

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Kaeven Vraal
Kaeven Vraal
Character Race:
Gar Zen-múr / (Gargoyle Race/People)
Rooftops of buildings and churches, graveyards, ruins, and many other places
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
((Concept art from the movie "I am Frankenstein"))
Character Age:
Amaranthine (Ageless)
Place of Origin:
Ágra-lem de Rhy'Din (Warrior/Guard of Rhy'Din)
At the height of just under nine feet tall, the garl is considered small for his race. Black eyes are calm and watchful. Flesh seems like ancient stone with grooves and cracks running along the surface; some of them from centuries of existence and some are marks scored into him from battles raged.

His wings are impressive when fully spread for flight, or to curl about himself or others for protection against greek and dragon fyre, magic and more.

At the ends of thick, strong fingers and toes are talons that could shred and tear through dragon scale and hide, steal, rock, and far more than that.

On the heavy, thick leather belt hangs a sword of "iron stone". It has rarely been unsheathed for battle since matters he had usually ever dealt with is done with his bare hands.

His race is almost extinct with let than a hundred in their numbers in the entire world of RhyDin.

Ágra-lem de Rhy'Din (Warrior/Guard of Rhy'Din) is what he is. A protector, guard over many kinds who dwell and travel Rhy'Din. He is very protective of others, even if they do not know he is there. A mere shadow on the rooftops, alleyways, ruins, cemeteries, etc.

It is expected that his existence is a solitary one with his conviction and loyalties to his position and duties.

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